Time and time again George & I find ourselves asking..Do you think the boys will behave in church today? and we try to rig it so at least one of them is sleeping during Sacrament...or how about having to go out to a dinner or family feed in 2 cars so that if our boys play up one of us can excuse ourselves and come home....and let them run loose at home.
I think George & I are just overly concious, especially at family gatherings....but in reality our boys aren't that bad they're acting their age...and it seems out of sorts cause there is nobody else around that's even remotely close to their age.
We absolutely LOVE our boys.
Today Maesons teacher told me he had a really good day. While eating lunch, Maeson noticed that Jesse wasn't eating his lunch and playing up. Maeson promptly got involved "JESSE, EAT YOUR LUNCH RIGHT NOW!"........"DO YOU WANT TO SIT WITH SANDRA ?"(The reliever teacher). I knew Maeson was going to have a good day. He made it right through the night in his own bed, I had to go wake him up. He's usually coming into bed with George & I at about 5am every morning. He was so proud of himself and asked me while I sat on the edge of the bed praising him...."Mom, you're proud of Maeson!, I Did, I slept in my spiderman bed!"
Dallin on the other hand is realising that his 2 hands can do a lot of damage... his understanding goes as follows: TAKE AWAY A TOY/ HIT SOMEBODY/PUSH SOMEBODY = KISSES = TAPPING ON THEIR HEAD SAYING "It's alright, You're alright" His teacher tells me he's really cheeky about it. I told her we're working on it at home. He enjoys making Maeson cry by hitting him over the head with a stick or a kitchen utensil.........He is such a devil at times!
Wow, your boys are getting so big! Are you getting ready for a girl? Cohen likes to hit too. Especially Livvy. I do get things chucked at my head too. Sometimes I just flinch expecting something to happen to me and feel bad that he's just coming in for a hug. When are you headed state-side? Miss you!
You have handsome little boys! I guess boys will be boys right?? I hear a possiblity of you moving to WA? How exciting, right??
Your boys are so cute. Doesn't life get fun having boys!?! lol :)
I'd like to take a utensil to your head....tee hee hee.
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